Last weekend, 8Layer Technologies, Inc. founder/chairman, Meric Mara was invited to participate in different media opportunities to discuss about the current technology issues of our country – Data Privacy and Blockchain.

January 26th, 2019, Meric Mara was one of the three guests of Kabayani Talks Balitang Global on TFC (The Filipino Channel) which was aired all over the world. The main topic of the show that night focus on Data Privacy wherein guests answered questions related to the said topic. There were discussions on how to protect personal data, different methods used by hackers to get critical information from their data subjects such as phishing, smishing, social engineering, and other related issues with regards to Data Privacy.
During the show, it was also explained the different data privacy principles which are transparency, legitimate purpose and proportionality. Basically, transparency is wherein the data subject knows why the data is being collected; legitimate purpose is wherein the data is processed fairly with a declared and specific purpose; and proportionality requires that the personal information to be relevant and not exceed to the declared purpose.
Meric explained how data breach can happen from mobile apps, the concept of insecure networks, and other methods use by unauthorized parties to get critical information from unaware users. There were also tips for everyone like to change password regularly and be more critical or cautious so they won’t fall victim of data theft.
Watch the full discussion from Balitang Global Facebook Page
Morning after the TV show guesting, Meric was also featured as the main guess of DZIQ Radyo Inquirer 990AM’s Pera at Kabuhayan with Ed Diral and Ricky Brozas. Meric answered questions about the new technology, Blockchain.

Meric discussed Blockchain – the technology behind digital currencies such as bitcoin, how it evolve, some of its features (secure, traceable), and how the government will benefit from this technology.
He also answered different questions related to Blockchain. Mentioned examples and share a few important points about investment to digital currency like bitcoin. Near the end of the show, Meric also briefly mentioned use cases where Blockchain can be implemented. To know more about blockchain and the discussion watch the full video from Inquirer 990 TV.
Thank you to Kabayani Talks and Pera at Kabuhayan for inviting our Chairman, Meric Mara to share more about Data Privacy and Blockchain Technology. We hope viewers and listeners learned more from these timely discussions.
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